Website Design
whos it for?
✦ New businesses in need of a professional website that beautifully integrates their brand identity.
✦ Current businesses dissatisfied with their current website and in need of a refresh to better display their brand.
What You Can Expect
✦ Bespoke Design: A fully personalised 5-page website on Squarespace, tailored to encapsulate your brand's ethos.
✦ Social Synergy: Seamless integration of your social media platforms for a consistent digital narrative.
✦ Discoverability: Foundational SEO practices to amplify your brand's online visibility.
✦ Universal Compatibility: Designs crafted to captivate and function flawlessly across all devices.
✦ Empowerment: A 30-minute tutorial, ensuring you have the confidence and know-how to keep your site dynamic.
✦ Post-launch Commitment: A week of unwavering support for any post-launch queries or refinements.
Project Timeline: 4-6 weeks | Investment: Starting at £800
Optional Enhancements:
Enrich your online space with our professional copywriting, packaging design, photography or social media templates, ensuring every aspect of your site resonates with authenticity and quality.